The coming of God Ahnsahnghong!!

Hi everyone! Not long ago I heard something really interesting from a friend of mine when I told him about the coming of God in the last days… and he told me how can I prove him that God would come in the flesh!.. Everybody believes that Jesus is coming back as it says in Hebrews 9:28. But we always imagine him coming from the sky. Well, I have some news!!! And I can tell that he’s not…Ahnsahnghong and Mother God Jerusalem
It seems that the disciples of Jesus had the same questions 2000 years ago as we see in Matthew 24:3, when they asked Him what are the signs of his coming and what are the signs of the last days. When they said “his coming” we can assume they are talking about his second coming (for those who don’t believe he’ll come back) because if they weren‘t, Jesus would have answered :“I’m already here! What are you talking about?!” But since He didn’t, then of course they were talking about his second coming. Then how will he come back??? He answered right away! In Matthew 24:30-31. He said he’ll come in the clouds. But wait a minute! We knew that right??? Mmm.. Think twice! I personally don’t believe clouds are a way of transportation. Otherwise I’d be very popular! In Matthew 13:34 says that Jesus always spoke in PARABLES! Then as every parable this one parable must also have a hidden meaning!!!! Ufff… good thing because I was like OMG! I don’t get it! Clouds? Well… in Proverbs 25:14, Jude 1:12, and Hebrew 12:1 says that clouds mean man! Flesh!. So if Jesus will come back on a cloud, that means that He’ll come in the flesh, just like His first coming. Even when He was ascending to heaven the angels said to the disciples Jesus will come back the same way He went up to heaven, but He didn’t ascended to heaven in the spirit but in the flesh. Why? Because he’d come back the same way!. That’s why the angels said: “Why do you stand here looking into the sky?” Acts 1:9-11. The angels said that because that’s not the way He is coming back. The way He’d come back is in the flesh.Ahnsahnghong and Mother God JerusalemAhnsahnghong and Mother God Jerusalem

How was the prophesy of the coming of Jesus? Ahnsahnghong and Mother God Jerusalem
In the book of Daniel 7:13 clearly says that God will come on the clouds. But at this time in the old testament God was Jehovah!. Jesus had not come yet. This was the prophesy about the coming of The son of Man, who is Jesus Christ (John 9:35-37). In the prophecy it says that Jesus will come in the clouds, but Did he really come in the clouds??? NO! He came in the flesh!!!. He was born from a woman as any human being. That’s why the Jews didn’t believe in Him. They were also expecting, and are still waiting for Him to come from the sky, on a cloud. But we know very well that Jesus, who came in the flesh, is the Messiah. Then what about second coming jesus? He should come the same way he came the first time. In the flesh! And what is his purpose? to bring salvation (Hebrew 9:28). Good or bad purpose? Good!!!! Salvation of our souls! But then why do people deny him? What is the way established by Jesus to give us salvation? The Passover (Matthew 26:17-19/26:26-27). What should we do when jesus comes back with a new name to bring us salvation for our soul? I think we should rejoice! And accept him! Right? But then why do everyone denies Chris Ahnsahnghong? It’s happening the same thing it happened 2000 years ago, only a few disciples believed in Jesus Christ. Now only a few believe in Christ Ahnsahnghong. In John 8:31 Jesus said to the few Jews who believed in Him that If they hold to his teachings they’ll know the truth and the truth will set them free. Now if we hold to the truth of Christ Ahnsahnghong, that will also set us free from death giving us eternal life. I think it’s better to say “I don’t know Christ Ahnsahnghong”, rather than: “I don’t believe in Christ Ahnsahnghong” because the bible itself testifies about second coming Christ in the flesh. Whoever belongs to God he’ll hear what God says (John 8:47) It’s not common right? Of course not! In human point of view it doesn’t make sense. But whoever belongs to God and believe in the teachings of the bible will hear and follow what God says, and will not follow worldly viewpoint. 1John 4:5-6. I hope it was clear! If not clear enough please don’t doubt and ask anything you guys want!!!! See ya soon!Ahnsahnghong and Mother God JerusalemAhnsahnghong and Mother God Jerusalem


James said...

It makes sense for Christ to come again in the flesh. How can He come in spirit if no one knows when he'll return?
Yet, Christ Ahnsahnghong fulfilled everything about Jesus' second coming. That's amazing.

CherubAngel said...

Once you see in Dan7:13 that there is a prophecy that first coming Christ is coming in the clouds and He came in the Flesh, then how can we deny that He will come in the Flesh a second time?! I sure cant! Christ always did things contrary to what people thought just as He came in this last age with the name of Christ AhnSahngHong.

AC1981 said...

if people continue to look at the clouds, they will find only clouds and clouds and more clouds because God is coming in the flesh just as the bible testifies.

Anonymous said...

I always thought clouds had to mean something else... it didnt make sense to me that christ will come riding on a cloud.. verses like this one always confused me and raised many questions to my head. But it totally makes sense that he will appear in the flesh, plus it is well proven through the verses you showed.. wow, im interested to understand more about this. are there any more prophecies about second coming Christ? I never saw such explanations before.. thanks

Blossoms of Life said...

Clouds mean flesh?!? WOW so it is true. Second Coming Christ will come in the flesh to bring passover! But wait...didn't Christ Ahnsahnghong come and bring passover. Wait wait wait...He's Second Coming Christ who came in the flesh!! THAT'S AMASSING

Le0511 said...

Clouds, haha, everyone loves this idea. But then what happens to Judgement?? If every eye sees Christ on a cloud and believes in him, it doesn't make sense for Christ to say he will come w/ fire to Judge those who don't know him! After Christ appears on a cloud, who's not going to know him? Everyone will know him! Sorry folks, wrong interpretation. Clouds mean flesh, this is why Ahnsahnghong Christ HAD to walk this earth a second time. This is an amazing teaching and I feel so glad to have studied the bible.

Short144 said...

To actually know who is 2nd Coming Christ is truly amazing. We are the most blessed to have received the 2nd Coming Christ, Christ Ahnsahnghong. I am too a culprit of believing that Christ would come a second time on the clouds - while bringing judgement. It actually doesn't make sense that the two events happen together. Thanks Father and Mother for telling us the truth!